Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Top Horror Movies

Top Horror Movies

Horror movies have been around for years and years and get better and better. Yes, of course there are many good horror movies from ages ago but as the makeup and cameras get better, those old horror movies are slowly disappearing. Honestly how can those old movies keep up with the realistic masks, blood, sounds, venues, that are being used today for the top horror movies? There is no possible way.

Horror movies these days are doubling by the second! It seems like every few days a new "Horror Movie" comes out. I cant keep up anymore, it's getting out of hand. No one ever has the time anymore to actually see these movies because they are breading like there's no tomorrow!

I have now sat down and picked out some GREAT horror movies that should be on the
tops of everyone's movie list. These movies may be in theater or on DVD but all I can really say is that, these movies really did scare the living #&%@ out of me! I have seen quite a bit of horror movies but these are definitely the ones that stood out. Check out the list below... That is if you can take a little scaring. =)

Here is the list of the top 10 horror movies that I liked and think you will too.

10. Darkness Falls

9. The Ring 2

8. Friday The 13th

7. Emily Rose

6. The Birds

5. Texas Chainsaw Massacre

4. The Ring

3. The Descent

2. The Shining

1. The Exorsist


Missy Frye said...

I have to disagree with you about modern horror making those of "ages ago" obsolete. The special effects today are superior, but the thing that makes a good horror film for me is the tension. For example, you listed The Birds and The Exorcist among the best and I totally agree; while there are effects and makeup in them, that isn't what made them great. The actors and directors created a fear and tension that was palpable to the audience. That's what scares the crap out of people, feeling what the characters are feeling.

Anonymous said...

The ring is based on a Japanese movie isn't? I think everyone liked that movie well it is very captivating, and not only the movie but also the commercials about Generic Viagra