Saturday, January 12, 2008

Mesothelioma Cancer

Mesothelioma cancer is a terrible disease that occurs in the outer lining lungs and chest cavity or heart. Mesothelioma is usually caused by previous exposure to asbestos.
Most people that get diagnosed with Mesothelioma is because of their past jobs. They most probably inhaled asbestos particles or have had some contact with it. Mesothelioma may not appear for about 20 to 50 years after having exposure to asbestos. Shortness of breath, cough, and pain are all side effects to Mesothelioma. Tumors are a big affect of Mesothelioma as well. The main treatments that are supplied for Mesothelioma is Surgery, Radiation, Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy, and Heated Intraoperative Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy. Be careful about exposing yourself to asbestos, so you will decrease the chances of getting Mesothelioma Cancer.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Snowman Pictures

Yes! It's finally winter time and you know what that means... SNOW! The best season of the year is finally here. Everyone should get out to the snow and start building those snowman now! Snowman are absolutely amazing pieces of artwork, if you look carefully to many of them, you can see the detail work on it is outstanding. Snowman pictures are my favorite thing to look at to get me pumped and ready for winter. I know a lot of people have the same exact feelings about snowman pictures like I do. Thats why I created this page, for all of you snowman lovers!

I could never ever find a good website that actually pleased me with snowman pictures. All the sites I would go to would be trying to sell me something or doing some scam deal that would totally take away from what I was really looking for. I MEAN ALL I REALLY WANTED WAS TO SEE SOME FUNNY, CARTOON, REAL, PRETTY, SNOWMAN PICTURES! Now all of you that had that same problem I had won't have to worry about it anymore. You know why? Because this page is strictly dedicated to only snowman pictures.

I always loved taking actual pictures of snowman with my camera but I would never be able to get the right angles or right lighting. It was fun until I actually viewed the pictures and BLAH they were terrible. My friend told me about a great website about photography that actually changed my photography skills drastically. Now whenever winter comes I get extremely excited because I actually get PAID for taking pictures of things. YES, THAT WEBSITE TURNED ME INTO A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER! It all started out with snowman pictures as well. What's better then taking pictures of snowman's and getting paid for it? I seriously think you should check out this website if your into photography or even if you're thinking of becoming one. It's definitely worth it. Click the link underneath to see the website!
Click Here!

Now for the snowman pictures that I love SO much!
















Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Top Horror Movies

Top Horror Movies

Horror movies have been around for years and years and get better and better. Yes, of course there are many good horror movies from ages ago but as the makeup and cameras get better, those old horror movies are slowly disappearing. Honestly how can those old movies keep up with the realistic masks, blood, sounds, venues, that are being used today for the top horror movies? There is no possible way.

Horror movies these days are doubling by the second! It seems like every few days a new "Horror Movie" comes out. I cant keep up anymore, it's getting out of hand. No one ever has the time anymore to actually see these movies because they are breading like there's no tomorrow!

I have now sat down and picked out some GREAT horror movies that should be on the
tops of everyone's movie list. These movies may be in theater or on DVD but all I can really say is that, these movies really did scare the living #&%@ out of me! I have seen quite a bit of horror movies but these are definitely the ones that stood out. Check out the list below... That is if you can take a little scaring. =)

Here is the list of the top 10 horror movies that I liked and think you will too.

10. Darkness Falls

9. The Ring 2

8. Friday The 13th

7. Emily Rose

6. The Birds

5. Texas Chainsaw Massacre

4. The Ring

3. The Descent

2. The Shining

1. The Exorsist

Halo Armor

Halo Armor protects you from the many that your against. There are many different types of Halo armor that impress me in Halo 3. I would have never thought that they would have come out with these different outfits for master chief and others. They really give the game a new outlook and take it in new directions.

Halo 3 Pics

I never used to even care to look at video games pics. The picture on Halo 3 definitely blow all the other pics out of the water though. Halo 3 pics are the most amazing things I have ever seen. The detail and realness of them totally blow me away. Now I would have never thought that video game's pictures would amaze me so much but after seeing them for the first time I was totally astonished. I am now intrigued by the different Halo 3 pics out there and check for new ones daily on the internet.

Halo 3 Wallpapers

I have always loved the graphics and images of Halo 3. The Halo 3 wallpapers that I have seen really blow me away. So many of these Halo 3 wallpapers are so amazing and detailed. They really open your mind to new mind set of Halo. I never used to realize how much artwork was really put into each and every moment you play on that game. You can really tell how amazing the Halo 3 wallpaper details are after looking at each and every one of them.

Halo 3 Skull Locations

Halo 3 is known to be on the the greatest games out there right now. It has everything you can ask for in a game and much more. Halo 3 skull locations give Halo 3 a even greater advantage to most video games. Everytime you receive a skull in Halo 3 the game gets harder. For example one of the skulls makes it so you have no more radar. Now if you've ever played with no radar you would know how hard it is. So for all you advanced gamers, get on Halo 3 and show them who's boss! The Halo 3 skull locations are hidden everywhere for you to seek out.

Myspace Text Codes

Myspace has been getting pretty advanced lately with all there HTML coding. Especially the Myspace text codes, I have been having such a hard time trying to figure out little simple steps. I think it's the most confusing thing on Myspace. I recently found an easy way to use Myspace text codes though! Now I can make my profile look how I have always wanted it to look without having to deal with all the struggling of searching for the HTML codes and applying them. Its now an easy 1-2-3 step process! I have no idea why I went through all that struggling before.

Surveys for Myspace

Don't you get sick of viewing the same old stuff on Myspace everyday?! I can tell you that I definitely do. I recently have found that people have been putting great Surveys on their profiles which make them so much more exciting! I'm never bored anymore because I am constantly reading peoples surveys. Surveys on Myspace are fantastic and I think they should keep it up. I love it.

Myspace Birthday Comments

I love giving people Myspace birthday comments. The reason I love it so much is because if you suddenly forget that it's someones birthday, like a lot of people do. You instantly have a way to give them the best card! Myspace birthday comments are perfect instant cards for people. It doesn't get much better then that. I use Myspace birthday comments ALL the time now and absolutely think its the greatest thing ever. Now I never miss a birthday and I'm always giving the best Mysapce birthday comments.

How to get on Myspace at school

I know how boring it is at school especially when you can't access the websites you need. How to get on Myspace at school was always a frequent question I would ask people around me. Everyone would tell me to use proxies but would never tell me which ones to use! Finally a friend of mine told me a great website that lists a bunch of different proxies. Now I never have a problem accessing Myspace at school. Finally I can be doing what I really want to be doing and not be stuck by a stupid block. I think it's absolutely ridiculous that schools block these social websites. At least now I will never have to ask how to get on Myspace at school ever again.